The Future of St Columba's College - A Very Reassuring Message
CCMS has been reviewing the future of St Columba’s college. This review has considered how the college might change so that it can provide the high quality education and choices that its pupils are entitled to in law as well as be sustainable into the future. The review has also considered the challenges and sensitivities of providing a post-primary school in a rural community where some of the normal economies of scale are not available.
In order to ensure that a model of 11 – 16 schooling can be provided it is clear that an intake into Year 8 of, on average, at least 40 pupils is necessary to ensure that pupil experiences at KS3 are not compromised. At KS4 pupils can be provided with access to their full range of subjects through well-developed collaborative arrangements with other post-primary schools in the Ards peninsula and in Downpatrick as well as the SERC.
Recent meetings and consultations with the parents of pupils in the primary schools indicate that the target Y8 intake of 40 is achievable and sustainable over the next period.
If this number is met and maintained then high quality 11 – 16 education can continue to be provided in St Columba’s, Portaferry.