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St Columba's College, Portaferry

Our Student Council Members Receive A Very Warm Welcome from the Mayor of Ards Borough

2nd Oct 2014
Our Student Council Members Receive A Very Warm Welcome from the Mayor of Ards Borough

Our Student Council members received a very warm welcome from the Mayor of Ards Borough, Councillor Philip Smith when we visited Council Offices on Thursday 25th September 2014.  Sandwiches, savoury snacks and soft drinks at the start of the visit were much appreciated and got the meeting of to a good start and helped create a relaxed atmosphere. 

The Mayor was joined by Councillor Joe Boyle and Chief Executive, Ashley Boreland for a very valuable question and answer session which gave students a clear insight into how Councillors are working to make the Borough a pleasant place in which to work.  The experience made a lasting impression and the Mayor’s suggestion of a Youth Council is worth serious consideration and is something in which we would like to be involved.

A plaque, displayed in our Foyer was presented to us as a memento of the occasion.  We thank the Mayor and his colleagues for spending time with us and we wish him every success for the remainder of his office.


Our Student Council Members Receive A Very Warm Welcome from the Mayor of Ards Borough