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St Columba's College, Portaferry

Our ‘Start of Year Mass'

23rd Sep 2014
Our ‘Start of Year Mass'

Our ‘Start of Year Mass’ was celebrated by Fr Dominic McGrattan on Friday 19th September 2014.  The occasion was a very special one as Fr Dominic is a former pupil of the school.  He attended St Columba’s College between 1995 – 2002 before going on to read Law at Trinity College, Dublin.  Here he is pictured with some of his ‘senior’ teachers from the left, Miss Jacqueline Duffy, Mrs Mary Gallagher, Mr Michael Breen, Principal, Mr Sean Gordon, Mrs Mary Mageean and former Vice Principal, Mrs Margaret Caughey.  We wish Fr Dominic every success in his new post in St Patrick’s Parish, Belfast


Fr Dominic with 'senior' teachers

Fr Dominic