Launch of the Electric Kitcar project
‘Kitcar Project’
Glastry College and St Columba’s College embark on another collaborative enterprise by launching their Greenpower Club. The purpose of the club is to support 16 pupils to build an electric kit car to race against 7 other schools at Nutt’s Corner Raceway on 31st May 2014. Greenpower has been inspiring budding engineers in the UK since 1999 but this is their first event for 11-16 year olds in Northern Ireland. The kit car has been funded by University of Ulster through the Widening Access programme which seeks to encourage pupils to consider further education and a career in engineering. The club presents an exciting opportunity to practice team building, communication skills and enterprise amongst pupils outside the classroom. Congratulations to Brendan Mr Grattan, Erin Fowler, Tiernan Ellison, Erinn Branniff, Joanna Dougherty, Natalie Enis, Cara McGrattan and Michael Toner for being selected to build the kitcar.