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St Columba's College, Portaferry


2013/2014 School Year

16th May 2014
All pupils will be sitting examinations from Wednesday 4th - Friday 13th June inclusive. ...
15th May 2014
Yr 9 pupils enjoyed presenting their research project on different countries. ...
15th May 2014
Year 10 pupils study World War One (1914 – 18).  They have planted poppy...
14th May 2014
The Ulster U14 semi-final was played against Our Lady's Grammar School, Newry.   St...
11th May 2014
A big congratulations to our Canteen Staff, Mrs Denvir, Mrs Hanna and Mrs Hamilton...
10th May 2014
Staff, Year 12 Pupils and their parents and guardians attended a Mass for examination...
30th Apr 2014
Our students, with the help and support of their parents/guardians and extended...
17th Apr 2014
St. Columba’s Portaferry produced a magnificent performance to reach the final...
16th Apr 2014
Congratulations to all the winners pictured.
16th Apr 2014
As part of the Eco-Schools Programme Year 8 and Year 10 pupils planted sunflower...